The Network of Networks on Impact Evaluation (NONIE) has a very readable and fairly brief introductory text, Guidance on Impact Evaluation, available for free on its web site. (Note: Keep in mind that impact evaluation is not the only kind of evaluation, so this is not a review of the broader field of evaluation.)
From the introduction:
The purpose of NONIE is to promote more and better impact evaluations among its members. Issues relating to evaluations in general are more effectively dealt with in the parent networks, and are thus not the primary focus of NONIE. NONIE will focus on sharing of methods and learning-by-doing to promote the practice of IE (impact evaluation). The current Guidance document was developed for supporting those purposes.
The Guidance is structured around nine key issues in impact evaluation:
1. Identify the (type and scope of the) intervention
2. Agree on what is valued
3. Carefully articulate the theories linking interventions to outcomes
4. Address the attribution problem
5. Use a mixed methods approach: The logic of the comparative advantages of methods
6. Build on existing knowledge relevant to the impact of interventions
7. Determine if an impact evaluation is feasible and worth the cost
8. Start collecting data early
9. Front-end planning is important
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