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February 16, 2010


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I have written about unintended negative consequences of aid (and specifically the role of logistics decisions on those consequences) in this blog post: http://michaelkeizer.com/humourless/2009/not-a-fairy-tale-when-the-five-rights-of-logistics-are-not-enough/. It's always a serious problem, often caused by the fact that in the throes of an immediate response to an urgent emergency, you just don't often have the time to take a breath and think about what might be the downstream results of every decision that you take. It is one of the things that make relief logistics inherently complex.

Yes. Hopefully more research on this can be done. I am meeting with some university folks here in the US soon hoping that some will help collecting all the stories and reports that are coming out of Haiti so that the documents do not go "fugitive".

The voucher idea is interesting but I feel that the risks of fraud are too high. It may be better to have more cash for work programs which give people more flexibility about what they can buy, or to just purchase food from farmers as you mention at the beginning.

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